Welcome to the “Confluencer” manual!


A CLI tool to automate common Confluence maintenance tasks and content publishing.


Confluencer can be installed from PyPI via pip install confluencer as usual, see releases on GitHub for an overview of available versions – the project uses semantic versioning and follows PEP 440 conventions.

To get a bleeding-edge version from source, use these commands:

pip install -r "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$repo/master/requirements.txt"
pip install -UI -e "git+https://github.com/$repo.git#egg=${repo#*/}"

See the following section on how to create a full development environment.

To add bash completion, read the Click docs about it, or just follow these instructions:

mkdir -p ~/.bash_completion.d
( export _$(tr a-z- A-Z_ <<<"$cmdname")_COMPLETE=source ; \
  $cmdname >~/.bash_completion.d/$cmdname.sh )
grep /.bash_completion.d/$cmdname.sh ~/.bash_completion >/dev/null \
    || echo >>~/.bash_completion ". ~/.bash_completion.d/$cmdname.sh"
. "/etc/bash_completion"


To create a working directory for this project, call these commands:

git clone "https://github.com/1and1/confluencer.git"
cd "confluencer"
. .env --yes --develop
invoke build --docs test check

Contributing to this project is easy, and reporting an issue or adding to the documentation also improves things for every user. You don’t need to be a developer to contribute. See CONTRIBUTING for more.

Indices and Tables